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Group Functional Training

Functional training attempts to adapt or develop exercises which allow individuals to perform the activities of daily life more easily and without injuries. In the context of body building, functional training involves mainly weight bearing activities targeted at core muscles of the abdomen and lower back.

OCR Training
OCR Team

Obstacle course racing (OCR) is a sport in which a competitor, traveling on foot, must overcome various physical challenges that are in the form of obstacles. Mud and trail runs are combined and the races are designed to result in mental and physical collapse.[1] Obstacles include, but are not limited to, climbing over walls, carrying heavy objects, traversing bodies of water, crawling under barbed wire, and jumping through fire. Many obstacles are similar to those used in military training, while others are unique to obstacle racing and are employed throughout the course to test endurance, strength, speed and, dexterity.

Personal Training

Next Level Gym is dedicated to teaching individuals how to achieve functional strength, speed, flexibility overall improvements of health and quality of life. We tailor each training session to YOUR individual needs and goals.

Ninja Warrior Birthday Parties
Did you know that we offer Birthday Parties? We offer a stress free option where we:
Provide fun
Write out who brought what gift
And more!!
So that you can relax and enjoy the fun that should come with your child's Birthday. We offer different options when it comes to parties varying from Ninja Warrior, Boot Camp, Nerf and more.
Youth Performance Classes
Next Level Youth Performance Classes
Classes will run on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's for 50 minutes. They will run for a 6 week session starting June 6th through July 15th.
Program 1 at 10:30-11:20 am $255
Program 2 at 11:30-12:20 am $290
Program 3 at 12:30-1:20 pm $325
These classes will include:
6-9 yrs Program 1
Fundamental Stage Training (Motor Skills Training, Building Agility Balance, Coordination):
The focus of the Fundamental Stage Training Program is to introduce your young athlete to movements and force them to adapt. This will help your athlete become skilled at general movements such as jumping, landing, sprinting, and changing directions as well as injury avoidance and teaching positioning on the court or field.
10-12 yrs Program 2
Developmental Stage Training (Motor Skills Training, Strength, Movement Efficiency, Agility, Foundational Movement Patterns.)
The window between ages 9-12 is one of the most important developmental periods for young athletes to begin learning how to train.
Athletes at this age are primed for general sports skills that are the foundation of their performance. Movements like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and other movement patterns will be introduced while the movements from the previous program (sprints, jumping, changing direction) will be built upon.
This program will also introduce light resistance that your young athlete will move explosively to elicit the growth of fast twitch muscle fibers.
13-16 yrs Program 3
Advancement Stage Training Program (Strength, Agility, Power, Explosiveness, and Encouraging General Athleticism)
The final program of Youth Performance.
More intense weight training, more advanced plyometrics, speed drills, and agility drills are introduced now. The emphasis is on building strength to increase power and explosiveness with loaded foundational movements.